Not much going on here. Trying to prepare for Desiree's 11th birthday.
She is having a skating party. I am not real good at making decisions, like decorations or food.. So I will be agonizing over this all week.
christy C
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Advice to a 14 year old girl named Lost

Dear Lost,
Will you stop? Just slow down and listen for once. I know you think you know everything already but trust me you don't. And it so hard living a life full of regrets.
You think growing up fast is the answer. Just get it over with, that's what they all say. And you'll spend your life just getting it over with, missing everything. Your not cherishing the things God has given you.
Your mama loves you. You know she right about...Everything! She knows you better than you could ever know yourself. So stop treating her like she is from another planet. Tell her you love her because you don't say it enough and you can't say it enough. Believe it or not she will one day be your best friend and your biggest fan.
Be patient with your daddy. I know it feels like he wants to control you but he is pretty scared right now. He is losing his little girls. So give him a break.
I know sisters can be a pain but you need to remember no friend can replace them. They will always be there. So be there for them.
Friends are important when you 14. They are the ones you share your hopes and dreams with. But I have a warning for you, don't put all hopes and dreams into one person because she will let you down. Just remember misery loves company.
You will look back years from now and wish for more. More time to spend with your mama, more coaching from your daddy, lots more barbie time and girl talk with your sisters. But you can't turn back time. The path your own is bumpy and curvy at best. You will come to many forks in the road and wonder which way you should go. Trust in your heart and you will always find happiness.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Google game
Got this from my sister's blog. Thanks Carrie!
Favorite drink
Cherry Coke

Favorite Show

Someday nurse

Car I had as a teenager
85' chevy cavalier

Favorite meal
Pizza with my cherry coke

Celebrity look alike
Camilia Belle or Michelle Branch

Celebrity Crush
Brad in Legends of the fall

Favorite childhood toy

Christy C
Favorite drink
Cherry Coke

Favorite Show

Someday nurse

Car I had as a teenager
85' chevy cavalier

Favorite meal
Pizza with my cherry coke

Celebrity look alike
Camilia Belle or Michelle Branch

Celebrity Crush
Brad in Legends of the fall

Favorite childhood toy

Christy C
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Looking at yesterday's post, I am afraid of what I may say today. Thanks for the advice but I have tried almost everything to get sleep. Nothing seems to help. What sucks the most is by the next day I am so exhausted that I can't put any of my good ideas to use. I lucky that I can go on this blog and talk whether anyone listening or not.
How can I put this night time has always been this long journey for me. As a child I spent endless nights crying and fighting off the wicked witch of the west. Only to end up in the comfort of my parents bed. As I got older I let night become a safe place for my imagination to take over. I remember praying to see an angel and there above my bed an angel hovered around me and I felt safe. As I have had children, it's the night terrors that shake me the most. Or it's my husband who is really shaken up by these dreams. I wake up screaming, being attacked by insects, spiders mostly but they are so real to me and during them my eyes are wide open. So for me being plagued
by information that could be useful is some sorta relief. Lucky me, right. Okay, done for now.
Christy C
How can I put this night time has always been this long journey for me. As a child I spent endless nights crying and fighting off the wicked witch of the west. Only to end up in the comfort of my parents bed. As I got older I let night become a safe place for my imagination to take over. I remember praying to see an angel and there above my bed an angel hovered around me and I felt safe. As I have had children, it's the night terrors that shake me the most. Or it's my husband who is really shaken up by these dreams. I wake up screaming, being attacked by insects, spiders mostly but they are so real to me and during them my eyes are wide open. So for me being plagued
by information that could be useful is some sorta relief. Lucky me, right. Okay, done for now.
Christy C
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So, I can't sleep at night. What is wrong with me? It's like I think of nothing all day long but the minute I hit the sheets something comes over me and I become a genius or something. I think of crazy things,Like how to stop world hunger or have world peace. Okay,Okay maybe nothing that important. I have to figure out a way to harness this power for good. Maybe a super hero persona would be my best bet. INSOMNIA GIRL! "Thinking at night when everyone is asleep". No, that's not really the best catch phrase. I don't know if ya'll can come up with something let me know. I am open to suggestion, considering apparently my brain turns off at sunrise. Well, I think I will go rest my mind for awhile.
Christy C
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
90's add on
A 90's Remix
This is what I remember the 90's to be. I was in middle school and High school in the 90's. What do you remember?
Beavis And Butthead
Yes I know but it is classic 90's. So watch and remember when you thought it was funny. And you know you did.
Blossom one of my favorite show's and Joey's was always nice to look at.

90210 one of the only shows from way back then that will stop me in my tracks to this day. And by the way the New 90210 sucks!

My So Called Life
Loved it and Jared Leto is still hot.

Clueless (And I was)

Fashion Anyone

combat boots

Friendship Braceletts

Begging your mom for no Catheads, Please! And maybe once gluing the blue keds logo on the back of a cheap pair. I said maybe...

Penny Loafers

Kool Aid hair dye
My fav Black Cherry

Everything Grunge
Thanks Nirvana.

Well this is what I remember from those days. Hope it brought back good memories.
Beavis And Butthead
Yes I know but it is classic 90's. So watch and remember when you thought it was funny. And you know you did.
Blossom one of my favorite show's and Joey's was always nice to look at.

90210 one of the only shows from way back then that will stop me in my tracks to this day. And by the way the New 90210 sucks!

My So Called Life
Loved it and Jared Leto is still hot.

Clueless (And I was)

Fashion Anyone

combat boots

Friendship Braceletts

Begging your mom for no Catheads, Please! And maybe once gluing the blue keds logo on the back of a cheap pair. I said maybe...

Penny Loafers

Kool Aid hair dye
My fav Black Cherry

Everything Grunge
Thanks Nirvana.

Well this is what I remember from those days. Hope it brought back good memories.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tranformers, more than meets the eye..
I just saw this video on another blog. And I was like what? I knew that models and actress weren't all they appeared to be, but this transformation was crazy. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. After all I don't have a team of make up people or instant airbrushing.
Christy C
Christy C
Thanks sis

I wanted to take a few moments to tell my sister Carrie thanks for featuring me on Friday and thanks for all the great comments.

My weekend was rained out. I hate to say this but I am sick to death of rain. This every other day crap is really getting to me. I NEED SUNSHINE, PLEASE! I am a whole other shade of pale, right now. I was out a few days ago and I had someone try to stack me, its bad. Sorry that was a bad joke, it sounded better in my head. Which is where most of my thoughts should stay. lol
I did give Desiree, my daughter a new hairstyle. We were watching this new show MY LIFE AS LIZ and she loved the girls hair. Here is a picture...

I could not bring myself to color her hair quite that red but its red and the cut looks great on her. I will take a picture soon and post it.
Christy C
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
She's a Butterfly...
Today I am inspired to talk about two women in my life and the place they hold in my heart. I have two sisters. They are both unbelievable women and because of them in alot of ways I have become who I am. Carrie is my older sister. I have always looked up to her but to her I was always the brat who hid under her bed, listened to her phone calls and stole her clothes. But for me she was always so strong and fearless. She could take on the world and everyone in it and did on several occasions. I remember she stood up for me on the bus one day and has been standing up for me ever since. She is smart, so talented, and creative. My younger sister Robyn has always been somewhat quite, very intelligent and has a natural beauty about her. She never says much but when she does you want to pay attention b/c it going to be something special. I don't tell my sisters nearly enough how much I love them or at all. But I hope they know that I think they are special and really unique.
Three Sister's
© Francis I. Gillespie
We are three sisters
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me
We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never separated
We’re in each other's heart.
Now I know we've had our troubles,
But we always get thru.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.
We have had lots of good times
That we'll never forget
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret
But if God ever gave me
Something special you see,
It might have been the blessing of,
Three sisters are we.
The Lord above has gave me lots
Of happiness and glee
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.
Source: Three Sisters, Sister Poems
Three Sister's
© Francis I. Gillespie
We are three sisters
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me
We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never separated
We’re in each other's heart.
Now I know we've had our troubles,
But we always get thru.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.
We have had lots of good times
That we'll never forget
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret
But if God ever gave me
Something special you see,
It might have been the blessing of,
Three sisters are we.
The Lord above has gave me lots
Of happiness and glee
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.
Source: Three Sisters, Sister Poems
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So I have done my first round of cleaning at my old instructors house today and I am exhausted to the 10 degree. I saw some really cute things. She is obviously a collector of sorts and enjoyed, at one time, antiquing. She has this victorian style home with 900 hundred and 1 rooms in it and no closets, go figure. I am atempting to organize her rooms and make one of her rooms a gianctic closet. I hope she is impressed by the work but right now I am ready to go to bed.
Christy C
Christy C
Friday, January 15, 2010
I haven't forgotten
So, I haven't forgotten about all three of my followers. Thanks to my sisters! I have just been going nuts from total and utter boredom. I literally have nothing to say. I can usually find something to complain about......No, nothing. I have cleaned and washed clothes and no one wants to know how many pairs of underwear I have. Don't worry I am not going to say. I have finally gotten out of school only to wish I was back there. At least there I felt as if I was doing something but here I just wait til 2:30 to get the kids and then pray they need me for something after that. I am going to start studying really hard for my LPN exam this weekend. And my instructor from school has asked me to help her reorganize her very large house and do some deep cleaning. ( No laughing, I have no problem organizing someone else's life, even though mine is, a little random.) I need the money, so of course I will do it. My mama wasn't very happy about it, reminding me that is not what I went to school for. But the truth is no one wants to hire an almost nurse and I hate relying on Russell for everything. This a good thing. She can't do it and I can, so why not. Well, here is to a good weekend.
Christy C
Christy C
Monday, January 11, 2010
Entry ....Whatever! How was the weekend?
The weekend....
Friday Night was the first of many basketball games to come. Harley did a great job. You have to understand him alittle though just to get the dynamics of the situation. He is pretentious, he believes nothing you say, unless it is impossible to be true,( Example: "Harley the grass is green." He replies "No it's not" "Harley aliens are in the back yard" "Where?") he is a lover not a fighter, clumsy, hard-headed, unconcerned with just about anything, unless it is food and he is only 7. I love him but he is what he is. Needless to say he can be hard for anyone to handle and most people just let him get is way. Don't get me wrong he isn't mean or rude, he just has a way of sweet talking adults. Anyway, back to the game. Harley played his best. He is alot smaller than the other boys and can't quite figure out why his charms don't work on his teammates and the other team.
Harley's idea of basketball
On Saturday it was Desiree's turn. I could tell she was nervous and anxious before the game even started. It was definitely a slow start but they picked up and Desiree was pleasantly surprised when she made a goal. She too is a bit shorter than other girls her age. And I always tell her just because your a little smaller than the others doesn't mean you can't play, it just means you have to work harder at it.
The rest of the weekend was spent grocery shopping and cleaning. Oh and my microwave is shot. Which is just wonderful. Don't know when that will get fixed.
Friday Night was the first of many basketball games to come. Harley did a great job. You have to understand him alittle though just to get the dynamics of the situation. He is pretentious, he believes nothing you say, unless it is impossible to be true,( Example: "Harley the grass is green." He replies "No it's not" "Harley aliens are in the back yard" "Where?") he is a lover not a fighter, clumsy, hard-headed, unconcerned with just about anything, unless it is food and he is only 7. I love him but he is what he is. Needless to say he can be hard for anyone to handle and most people just let him get is way. Don't get me wrong he isn't mean or rude, he just has a way of sweet talking adults. Anyway, back to the game. Harley played his best. He is alot smaller than the other boys and can't quite figure out why his charms don't work on his teammates and the other team.
On Saturday it was Desiree's turn. I could tell she was nervous and anxious before the game even started. It was definitely a slow start but they picked up and Desiree was pleasantly surprised when she made a goal. She too is a bit shorter than other girls her age. And I always tell her just because your a little smaller than the others doesn't mean you can't play, it just means you have to work harder at it.
The rest of the weekend was spent grocery shopping and cleaning. Oh and my microwave is shot. Which is just wonderful. Don't know when that will get fixed.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow never falls here

I know some of you out there have gotten your fair share of snow this winter. But I swear snow never falls here. To me there is nothing like the first sight of snow falling. The way it blows in the breeze and floats perfectly down on to my tongue. It's magical and I am a little upset that all of Atlanta is calling for snow and most of north Georgia but 4 counties are just left out of the forecast and I am living smack dab in the middle of them. Praying for a miracle. So, all you hum bugs stuff it and let me enjoy my snow.
Peace, love and Snow, Please!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Me and my mini mes

So, I got the pleasure yesterday of taking my 7 year old son to basketball practice. Yes, a gym full of screaming boys, it was wonderful. As I sat there trying to read, which is an unusual site but I am trying, I was hit with a Revelation. On that gym floor was a whole lot of minis .. A new generation of ....well how can I put this... egotistical, loud mouth, two-faced, power hungry, self-doubting, scared of rejection little people. And it scared me because even though I know there is good in most people out there, I don't think anyone would hope that there children turn out to be younger versions of themselves. We all have hopes that the next generation will be wiser, happier, and more fulfilled then we find ourselves on most days. Am I passing all my bad decision making skills on to my children? Don't get me wrong I love kids. There is something so innocent about the way that look at you and how they see the world but if we continue to push them to grow up eventually that innocence will fade and they like us will judge before knowing, see with out even looking, hear but not listen. Well, I will make it my mission to let my little ones be who they are meant to be with no judgement in my heart and no regrets. Yes, even if one of them chooses to be thugalishus. But he will grow out of that.......Right?

Monday, January 4, 2010
Blah, blah weight, blah,need to, blah lose
I have the blah, blah weight loss blues. Why does it have to be so freakin hard? I went out to eat this weekend and it is hard to find suitable low fat and low calorie food on those stupid menus. I think I did the best I could.. but then I have Mr. I can eat anything beside me. He is just going to have to bite the bullet on this one and being healthy is suppose to be a good thing. Anyway, this friday was 2 weeks on this god forsaken diet plan. The results are quite pleasing 7lbs so far. I don't starve myself I eat good food. I will eat a bagel with low fat cream cheese and a yogurt for breakfast or Honey nut cherrios, lunch I will eat a turkey sandwich or tuna with lettuce and tomato and pineapple or apple, and for supper I have substitued hamburger meat for turkey and no pork. Its worked so far. Oh, and I usually have a 100 calorie pack for a snack. Wish me continued good luck on my quest.
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